#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ### This is a demonstration for gradual color change of gaussian blob. ### A gaussian blob gradually appears. ### ### 2021.01.15 from __future__ import division from psychopy import visual, core, event win = visual.Window(monitor='testMonitor',units='deg',allowGUI=False,fullscr=True) # 'monitor' must be changed depending on your psychopy setting. fps=win.monitorFramePeriod print(['fps: '+str(fps*1)]) # Just for checking refresh rate. stimdur = 10 # 10 frames for stimulus duration. stim = visual.GratingStim(win, sf=0, color=[0,0,0], pos=(0.0,0.0),maskParams={'sd':10}) stim.mask = 'gauss' # Set 'circle' if you want to show rectangular stimulus. stim.size = 10 # 5 for alternative. blobcol = 0 for frameNum in range(stimdur): blobcol = blobcol + (1/stimdur) stim.color = blobcol stim.draw() win.flip() win.close() core.quit()